Sunday, December 16, 2012

In Sickness And In Health

What a weekend it's been! Friday night started off with a bang, as B and I had our first "official babysitter" (aka: not a family member) come and stay with Nelson while we had a night on the town with some friends at a Christmas Party. It was a lot of fun to have some "us time" and enjoy dinner, dancing, and fellowship with great friends. 

Always fun to get dressed up!!

Then on Saturday is when things took a turn... B wasn't feeling the best before we went to bed on Saturday night but we didn't think much of it. Then around midnight he decided to go sleep in the guest room because he knew he was getting sick. Starting at 2:15am, he threw up every hour until was awful. There is nothing worse than watching someone you love be sick. 

I decided this morning that I was going to have FACE MY FEAR of throwing up and step right into this because throwing up in part of life and family. I didn't sleep last night and prayed for healing for Brandon - and for protection for Nelson and I - as I cleaned toilets, sheets, towels and so forth throughout the day. The joy of the Lord has been my strength, even in the midst of not sleeping much...last night OR the night before really. So thankful to be Brandon's wife and there is no where else I'd rather be than right by his side. 

I literally have not thrown up since high school...and pray that I never will (but know that's not reality, ha!) ... I was so thankful to make it through pregnancy and childbirth without getting sick like that, too. A true answer to so many prayers!! But today I realized that the marriage moment of this week was realizing that I was NOT going to put on a mask and gloves and be afraid to get near my husband. I was going to embrace what was going on and pray to be the hands and feet of Jesus as B has been aching from head to toe. 

Thanks to my MOM for teaching me over the years
how to make even a "sick tray" look pretty!

He hasn't eaten anything all day except for a few nibbles on some applesauce and saltines...but he got adjusted by our chiropractor this Lord willing, he will wake up feeling like a new man tomorrow. Thank you in advance for your prayers of healing for Brandon - and prayers of protection for Nelson and I - as we face this stomach virus head on.

Keepin' it real with this pic!! This is what playtime in the jungle looks like
while Daddy is sick and Mommy folds laundry! 

This weekend I have really felt like my "mama role" has come into full fledged we had our first babysitter and our first stomach virus roll through. Never a dull moment! 

Our little acrobat during one of his "snowboard breaks"!!!

We would like to close with a praise report: Nelson's snowboard has been staying on ALL day throughout the past couple of days! From the time we put it on, until the time we take it off for his 2 hour daily break...his shoes and bar (aka: snowboard) have been staying on AND staying in place. That is a TRUE answer to prayer!! Thank you to each and every one of you that have been lifting that up. Those first few days and weeks were really we would put the snowboard on and then within five minutes at times, it seemed that he had wiggled right out. We have been learning dedication and perseverance and seeing how that really pays off. So please be encouraged IF YOU are going through something in life where it seems like you just did that, or just learned that, or just took that thought captive, or so on and so forth...keep at it! Your dedication, perseverance, and persistence WILL PAY OFF! We go in on Wednesday for our next appointment with the club foot doctor...we will keep you posted! Thank you for your continued prayers as we take ONE STEP AT A TIME! We are so encouraged each time we look down and see the progress of Nelson's feet. To GOD be the glory! 

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