Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Here There And Everywhere

The past three weeks have been here, there, and everywhere! From unpacking and settling in to our new Birmingham home, to spending a week in Chattanooga, and then a week in Nashville...I can honestly say that it feels good to be back at “home” here in Birmingham!! The summer started off in full swing with a move, baby showers for friends, weddings, and great quality time with family and good friends. This week it’s been such a blessing already to be here in Birmingham with Brandon and have some sense of “normalcy” by having the “Dr. Josh” chicken, steamed veggies in coconut oil, and sweet potatoes ready when B gets home from work!! With all the dishes, pots, and pans unpacked and the cook back in the kitchen - the eating out days and nights can now come to an end...phew!! 

At a wedding in Chattanooga
As great as it’s been to be back here in Birmingham, a few realities have set in this week. The main three (which we covet your prayers for) are as follows:
1. We would love for our Nashville home to sell in the month of July (It officially went on the market last week with a great agent so we are hopeful!) 

2. We would love for me to start a full-time job with benefits by mid to end of July (Appreciate any and all connections and leads! Message me if you’d like me to send you my resume!) 

3. B has a solid month and a half with his new job under his belt and is working hard to stay on top of the learning curve (It’s a big adjustment to have a career change!)
All that to say, the June 27 devotion of “Jesus Calling” was such an encouragement as it read: “The way ahead is shrouded in uncertainty. Look neither behind you nor before you. Instead, focus your attention on Me, your constant Companion. Trust that I will equip you full for whatever awaits you on your journey.” -Psalm 143:8; Genesis 28:15
It’s amazing how refreshing God’s Word is when you are seeking something solid and stable!! At a time when there are a lot more uncertainties than certainties, it’s been neat to see how we crave God’s Word since we know it’s not going to matter what!!
At a wedding in Nashville

On Tuesday of this week I got to volunteer at The Heart of CAbi Foundation’s tornado relief event in Tuscaloosa - literally helping women who lost everything find new (free!) clothes. As I got to spend time with them as we picked out outfits, it was a real eye opener for me to hear that they are simply blessed to be alive! WOW! How true!! Part of Brandon’s North Alabama territory with his new job is Tuscaloosa - so we have now both seen the recent devastation from the tornadoes in April. Not to mention, the devastation right down the road in Birmingham and the different areas that hit so close to home in Chattanooga. Realizing that none of us can take one day for granted puts the three items above (sell house, need job, starting new job) into perspective. Yet as we are gut level honest with you in the marriage moment for this week - we are learning to trust God in a whole new way on our “faith walk”. 
Closing statement from the man of the house:  "Exciting times living in the uncertain.  It's in times like these that your faith grows.  The Scripture I keep playing over and over in my mind is, 'seek FIRST His Kingdom and His righteousness.' (Matthew 6:33)  Seek FIRST His Kingdom.  Seek FIRST His righteousness.  Seek FIRST His Kingdom and His righteousness....."

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