Thursday, January 6, 2011

New "Blog"innings

It seems pretty surreal to finally put the fingers to the keyboard and set out on this new journey, our first ever blog, “A Marriage Moment”. Lots of prayers, thoughts, ideas, and words of encouragement have brought us to this point. We are just two hearts with one dream that God decided to bring together as “Team Nall”. A little background on who we Alabama boy and a Tennessee girl. An LSU grad and an Auburn grad. A Turf Grass Management Major and a Communications Major. One of us is early to bed and the other is a night owl. One an introvert and one an extravert. One spontaneous and one quite a planner. One is a sports lover and the other enjoys catching up with friends while watching a game. True guy and true girl. 

God brought us together at Passion in Atlanta, GA in January 2007 and joined our hearts in a covenant of marriage in Seaside, FL in September 2008. Words cannot describe how amazed we are at how God answered a lifetime of prayers by bringing us together as one to run this race called “life”. Nonetheless, we are real people who work through real things. As we have seen since the beginning, the marriage moment is always worth it when you have that “nugget” to walk away with. That nugget is what you learned from the heart-to-heart that makes that lesson worthwhile. Our prayer is that the marriage moments we share will be an encouragement to you - no matter what stage of life you are in at this time. Whether you are waiting for your suitable helper, newlywed, or celebrating your 50th wedding anniversary...we’re all on a journey of how to love each other like Christ loves us. 


  1. ohhh first person to follow your blog :) Ours is

  2. Great first post Whitney! Can't wait to read more! Love that you and Brandon are doing this.

  3. What a wonderful ministry for a young Christian couple! Good job!!

  4. Whit and Brandon, I think you are amazing and bold and know that your blog will be a blessing to many. Love ya- Prissy

  5. Love your first blog entry. Can't wait to hear more about your journey together!
