Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Speak LIFE About Your Mate, Part Two

There was so much left to be said after last week’s post, that we decided to continue on the “SPEAK LIFE” topic this week!! Going back to the verse from Ephesians 4:29: "Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift."
It’s pretty unreal the ‘power’ we have to either jab our mate with our words OR make them feel so special. We still remember in some of our pre-marital counseling when our pastor spoke of the power of our words - and our nonverbal communication as well! For instance, when Brandon walks into a room...I can make him feel loved and respected by welcoming him in with a smile on my face OR cutting him to the ground immediately by rolling my eyes. 
Have you ever heard a friend say something about another person before you even met them? Then when you met them, you already had a negative image in your mind about them? THINK ABOUT how much MORE that applies to your spouse?? On another note, it’s EQUALLY important for you to uplift your spouse around other people (when the two of you are together around others) as it is when you’re uplifting about your spouse when you two are not in the same place (when you’re talking to someone else about your spouse)...
We’d like to challenge YOU this week to see what YOUR default way of describing your mate is. Do you use words that are sarcastic? Do you use the stereotypical descriptions of modern day guy/girl? (ie, is your husband the jock that only wants to drink beer, play video games, watch tv, couch potato that’s lazy and doesn’t care) and (ie, is your wife the woman that is a shopaholic, has to spend money all the time, likes to talk on the phone and gossip all the day long)
After you have pegged what your default way of describing your spouse is...our greatest ENCOURAGEMENT is for you to find 3 THINGS that exemplify who your mate is. Zero in on those and make a BIG deal of those to other people. To name a few about Brandon...he is a lover of God’s Word, disciplined with the budget, helps me get more sleep now than ever because he knows how important it is for our health, loves pouring into younger guys, and is an amazing provider. A few that Brandon wanted to name about me... “Whit is a great homemaker and very hospitable, fabulous cook, really takes care of me, good grocery shopper, hard worker, and wise with our money.” Do you see what a blessing it is (to both of you!) when you PLAY OFF EACH OTHERS’ STRENGTHS...instead of focusing so much on each others’ weaknesses?!! May we all humble ourselves this week and let the Lord show us where we can be more encouraging and truly SPEAK LIFE!!
Closing statement from the man of the house: “One more challenge for YOU: The next time you’re in a public gathering with your spouse, find a way to compliment him/her in front of someone else - see what happens! I guarantee it’s going to bring you two closer! There’s enough negative out there - and as believers - we are called to be LIGHT. Ask the Lord to help you shine bright!!”

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